Kernel Exports Added for Windows XP SP2

The table below lists the functions that are first exported by the Windows kernel in the version 5.1 from Windows XP SP2. None have yet been discontinued, though one does not appear in any known build of version 5.2.

Only one of these added functions was documented from the start as a kernel export explicitly. Its documentation says nothing about applicable versions and is anyway curious for having appeared in the Device Driver Kit (DDK) for Windows XP SP1.

Of the undocumented functions, those that are merely shaded orange are declared in headers from contemporaneous WDK. The few that are highlighted orange had been highlighted yellow as this site’s usual indication of being undocumented, but Microsoft published declarations in 2015, just once and possibly by mistake, in an edition of the Enterprise WDK for Windows 10.

Function Remarks
ExAcquireRundownProtectionEx documented in 2010-2012;
documentation requires Windows Server 2003
KeFlushQueuedDpcs documented before available, at least as early as 2002
RtlAddAccessAllowedAceEx undocumented until 2008-2009;
documentation requires Windows 2000 and higher;
declaration requires Windows 2000 and higher
RtlIpv4AddressToStringExA also exported from NTDLL version 5.1 from Windows XP SP2, and higher;
documentation and declaration are in SDK for NTDLL;
documentation requires Windows Vista and higher;
declaration requires Windows Vista and higher
RtlIpv4AddressToStringExW also exported from NTDLL version 5.1 from Windows XP SP2, and higher;
documentation and declaration are in SDK for NTDLL;
documentation requires Windows Vista and higher;
declaration requires Windows Vista and higher
RtlIpv4StringToAddressExA also exported from NTDLL version 5.1 from Windows XP SP2, and higher;
documentation and declaration are in SDK for NTDLL;
documentation requires Windows Vista and higher;
declaration requires Windows Vista and higher
RtlIpv4StringToAddressExW also exported from NTDLL version 5.1 from Windows XP SP2, and higher;
documentation and declaration are in SDK for NTDLL;
documentation requires Windows Vista and higher;
declaration requires Windows Vista and higher
RtlIpv6AddressToStringExA also exported from NTDLL version 5.1 from Windows XP SP2, and higher;
documentation and declaration are in SDK for NTDLL;
documentation requires Windows Vista and higher;
declaration requires Windows Vista and higher
RtlIpv6AddressToStringExW also exported from NTDLL version 5.1 from Windows XP SP2, and higher;
documentation and declaration are in SDK for NTDLL;
documentation requires Windows Vista and higher;
declaration requires Windows Vista and higher
RtlIpv6StringToAddressExA also exported from NTDLL version 5.1 from Windows XP SP2, and higher;
documentation and declaration are in SDK for NTDLL;
documentation requires Windows Vista and higher;
declaration requires Windows Vista and higher
RtlIpv6StringToAddressExW also exported from NTDLL version 5.1 from Windows XP SP2, and higher;
documentation and declaration are in SDK for NTDLL;
documentation requires Windows Vista and higher;
declaration requires Windows Vista and higher
SeTokenIsWriteRestricted not in 5.2